Thursday, May 24, 2007

I'm deserting you :(

Hi to who ever reads this....

Apologies for being so slack... (I think I've started a post like this before!)

I have joined the Facebook craze, so I will be keeping in contact with everyone there instead... Dont think I can be bothered updating more than one website/page/blog/what ever you call these things.. (how bad does that sound.. sorry!)

So.. join Facebook, and become my friend and then we can chat all the time... photos etc will be posted of my trip to Africa and beyond.

Bye. xoxo

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm Leaving.. on a jet plane...

Don't know when I'll be back again!

After reading Sarah's blog, I thought I should probably mention that I too, am jet-setting across this big amazing world of ours - my itinerary is not as complex as Miss Sarah's... but still pretty exciting!

So yeah... on the 13th of June, I leave this beautiful London Town which I have grown to love - the sights, the sounds, the experiences and the of course the people and am heading back to the Land Down Under - Brisvegas to be exact.

On my way, will be going via Africa!!!! We have managed to raise over £12,400 for Watoto Ministries, and cant wait to head over there, and see the fruits of our fundraising for the past 9months or so!
While in Uganda, we are going to visit our kids who we sponsor through Compassion. The whole 2weeks I know, is going to change my life forever!

After Uganda, Sarah and I head down to South Africa to visit all the people that have helped make my life in London so amazing! I cant wait to see you girls!!

Then, on the 20th of June, Sarah and I go back to each others departure points - Sarah onto London, and me onto Australia.

Only God knows what the plans are for back home.. and I cant wait to start this next chapter in my life.

So - When will I be back in London - who knows.... :)


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Saying Goodbye

So... This week is going to be one of my hardest in London. I have learned that its always going to be harder to say goodbye to friends here - as I'll only known then for a year or so.. I believe in London, friendships are made quicker because you depend on them more than you would when you're at home as you have family to fall back on. It was hard when Sarah left.. harder still when Anandi and Deb-Deb left... but this week (and again in 2wks) I will be saying goodbye to a total of 6 people - 5 of them in a space of 4days. I personally think its quite cruel how they organised this, and we, the ones who have to stay behind, have to say goodbye to them all!

Seriously though, these people are AMAZING! They have made my life in London so memerable and so, so awesome. We have laughed together, cried together and grown so much that its scary!

But, there is a peace about it all.. We know that its not a goodbye.. its a 'see ya later' - whether that be in South Africa in a few months time, back in Brisvegas, at our weddings, or births of our children.. and if not those - in Heaven.

So... Caroline, Heather, Rachael, Leon, Marieda and Noah - I love you all. I thank you for the extraordinary people that you are, and ..... see you soon!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Look Everyone... its snowing!!

Snowball Fight!

Me and Heather

Snowy post box!

Outside my window at work!

So.. there were rumours last night that it would snow today.. went to sleep with anticipation.. work up and ..... SNOW!! and its 10am and its still falling!! Apparently its going to keep falling until tomorrow! How exciting is that?!

Here are some photos of the snow, and also of our trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon on the weekend.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Apologies for the slackness

Not quite sure why I've been so slack in updating this.. its not like I've had nothing to write about.. hmm.. I was talking to Sarah about it and I think its because I'm just not funny like her.. cant do the humour that is reqired for a blog.

Plus.. the people that I know that read it, I speak to quite regularly.

Anwyay.. enough of that... had an amazing christmas with beautiful friends. Had a brillant new years - an 80's party!

2007 has been fabulous so far.. we have booked our dates to go to Watoto - 15Jun for 2wks! Very excited!! And time is going so fast, that before I know it it will be here, and I'll be thinking about moving back home to the land of sunshine, packing up all my mounds of stuff, saying goodbye to unforgettable friends, the church that has made me who I am today, and to the city that I love.
But hey.. thats 5months away.

This weekend we're heading to Stratford-Upon-Avon for a few days of rest and relaxation. I'll post some photos on my return.

For the time being, here are some photos of life in London at the moment...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Its Christmas Time..

Mistletoe and wine...
Children singing christian rhymes!

As you can see, I'm slightly excited that Christmas is only 5 sleeps away!! :)

On Saturday Heather and I went Christmas tree shopping. I'd like you to meet Trevor.

He is so beautiful!! He sits centre-stage in our loungeroom. As he is 6foot he gets very thirsty so we have to keep his water topped up. Only 5 sleeps.. hopefully he'll be at his best on Christmas Day!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Last weekend we went to Paris! Had an awesome time! I highly recommend going to Paris at Christmas time! All the lights are so pretty!!
Went up the Eifel Tower for the 4th time! :) oh how I love it!!
I have truly fallen in love with this city.. will miss it when I go home - I will no longer be just a 2hr train ride away! :(

We went to Hillsong Paris on Friday night! So great! Just a smaller version of ours! I'd say about a 10th of our size?! So cute, yet so great! Imagine what God has got in store for that city?!?!!

Here are a few photos!